Thursday, May 19, 2005


To: girlie
Date: May 19 at 7:36 PM
Subject: So I'm walking home this evening...

...and an old freind of mine rides up on the latest and greatest Harley-Davidson. We engage in the usual small talk...y'know the kind..."How's so- and-so doing?...have you you talked to who's-it lately?...I hear Beth is in the hospital!" He mentions (and tells me all about) his 34 year old girlfriend (he's 57) and asks me if I'm seeing anyone. I replied with "It's kind of hard when you're almost broke". So tell me something--do men like to flaunt their much younger girlfriends the same way they like to flaunt their fancy motorcycles?

I've decided to kill myself if you don't answer me pretty soon. I'm not fooling around this time either--I mean it--I'm not fooling around--I mean it--seriously. (Why won't you take me seriously?)

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