Sunday, April 10, 2005


(i've X'd out specifics)

To: girlie
Date: Apr 10 at 5:41 PM
Subject: Hey!!! You're not reading my mail. Why not? Was it something I said?

This is will fit right into "the plot".

I'm not crazy Stace (I can call you "Stace"...right?), I just get a little carried away sometimes...just for the fun of it. Too much creativity. One of my Profs, when I showed her my research design (it was part of the course requirement), commented on my level of creativity. And, by the way, my research design was the one that was chosen to be run. When the Prof and TA saw it they were rather impressed. They didn't say so...but you could see it in their faces...and hear it in their voices. I miss the good old days at the University of [XXX] it's just real life money making drudge.

(Why do I get the feeling that I am talking to myself.)

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