Sunday, August 22, 2004

more from nouvelle-ecosse

more pix from home:
the optimist shop in lunenburgformerly the catholic school girl's school in lunenberg
my sister andrea with her dog raya on the gaspereau river (by my parents home)with andrea, lisa and karen on a boat for lisa's stag-ette party

Saturday, August 21, 2004

w/ love from nova scotia..

wanted to share some pix of where i grew up. it's a beautiful and eclectic place, recently becoming the 5th province to legalize same-sex marriage, and it has the highest tides in the world...
halls harbour beachthe tide coming in at halls harbour
high tide in medfordstonehurst boathouse

- nova scotia bends when the tide comes 14 billion tonnes of sea water flow into the minas basin twice daily, the nova scotia countryside actually tilts slightly under the immense load.
- at mid-tide, the flow in the minas channel north of blomidon equals the combined flow of all the rivers and streams on earth.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

new photo: industry

photo copyright stacey van buskirk